Importance of HCI and ID for computer scientists
Nowadays, people make use of interactive products every single day. Today, there are very few people that would leave their house without taking mobile phone which is one of interactive products. However, when we talk about interactive products, we do not mean only the electronic devices such as computers, cell phones, music players, but also products like calculator, remote control, which have an interactive design like any other product. Each product, has its own usability but not all of them can be enjoyable, effortless or easy in use. In order to avoid failures in developing a product, designers should always consider the design principles which are under the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). HCI is extremely important when designing clear intuitive systems which will be usable for people with a varied range of abilities and expertise (Rogers et al., 2015). In other words, it refers to the broad relationship of people and computers including interfaces and usa...